
Hey.  I’m Stephanie.  I’m vegan, a chef by trade, aspiring YouTube sensation, and believer in living your truth.

Why The Green Olive? Green is for all things good; green juice, plants and green living – an environmentally conscious, sustainable, plant-based lifestyle.  And Olive, well here’s a picture of my beloved English Bulldog, Olive. The O.G. About Vegan  She’s full of love, joy, peace and happiness, and the occasional don’t f@#$ with me or I’ll bite you attitude.  My kinda girl.

I LOVE food. I love to eat it, cook it, and more importantly it is a passion and privilege to talk about it.  I feel inspired to manifest change in the decisions we make about food, to participate in an evolving conversation about what (and whom) we eat.

I went vegan for my health.

 A healthy lifestyle and healthful food choices sparked a fire in my soul and lit me up, and I fell in LOVE with taking care of myself. Not only my body, but my mind and spirit as well.  This amazing awakening was happening with in me, I felt like I had been let in a secret that not many people knew about.  I myself was evolving.  I felt a revolution stirring, an idea that this plant-based diet and lifestyle really could change the world.  Today I can’t imagine a life where the same kindness and compassion i afford myself,  doesn’t extend to all animals, all beings, and isn’t relfected on my plate every single day.    

Everything we choose to put on our plate has a profound effect on our lives.  Our bodies, state of mind, physical and mental well-being, communities, environment, and planet are so heavily impacted by what we’re eating.   I’m honored to be interacting with food at a time when consumers are calling for better, higher quality, more sustainably grown and responsible ingredients, a time when everyone’s talking about veggies, and even meat industry giants are investing in plant-based alternatives.  To be part of this growing, grass-roots, plant-based, counter-culture of a community, and to be creating recipes for the plant curious and plant passionate alike, is how I choose to be of service.  It lights me up, and I do it with gratitude and affection every day.

Whether you’re a certified vegan, eat a mainly plant-based diet, or just plant curious, welcome.  In these pages and on my youtube channel, you’ll find an abundance of delicious vegan recipes, chef demonstrations, and inspiration to live a healthier, happier life.

Here’s to you!



Need help falling in love with taking care of yourself?   Stay in touch and up to date with vegan recipes, chef how to demos and other inspired living tips delivered weekly to your inbox.


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